
Monday, July 30, 2007

Thyme for coughing

Did you know that the kitchen herb thyme is great for coughs? Simply make a tea out of it (I use a teaspoon for a cupful of hot water) by steeping it in the cup (I use a diffuser but still have to pour it out into another cup over a paper towel or cheesecloth). It not only helps make the coughs more productive, it helps ease them a little as well. I used this for both my 4-year-old daughter (she loved a cup sweetened with honey!) and my baby who was 6 months old (gave it in a dropperful unsweetned) at the time when the oldest had bronchitis this past winter and my youngest had croup (at the same time). Of course we were needing to use other medicines as well and were following the advice of our healthcare practitioner. But the thyme helped tremendously, especially in getting over everything. If you have a cough and don't think you need to be seen yet, try the thyme. It really works!


Anonymous said...

Hi Caneel,

Didn't know this...thanks for sharing it.


Girl With a Purpose Blog

laren said...

caneel - i love all these tips! what a great blog!


Caneel said...

Thanks! :)